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Private Voice Lessons

Would you like to have more fun when you sing... learn how to be "you" on stage and love it? 


With private voice study, you'll learn to experience "in the moment" focus when you sing, to breathe into the emotional voice of the music and text, to strnegthen your vocal technique, diction and interpretive skills, and to imbrace your inner star.


We are currently offering a free 30 minute entry vocal coaching session.


Call 503.691.8505 to schedule a lesson! 

Ask about our packages, workshops & masterclasses. 

Beth Donnelly, voice teacher

Bachelor of Arts, University of Portland, Graduate Study in Communications. Additional studies include: 

The Total Singer Workshop, Voiceworks Method and Pedagogy of Styles with Lisa Popeil, Extensive voice study with renound artist/teacher Ellen Faull, Current Study with international opera singer/teacher Richard Zeller.

Doug Feller: Studio accompanists and teacher; Cheryl Young: accompanist

What They're Saying...

The Students of Beth Donnelly

Interested in Scheduling a Lesson?

Send Beth a message to ask any questions or schedule a lesson!

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